
Sunday, September 25, 2011

Dynamite cheese stick but no cheese XD

I found this recipe from

Though for my version no cheese..because... I FORGOT TO BUY CHEESE. Dagnabbit. How can I forget such main ingredient?! But that doesn't stop me to cook.

Anyhoo, here's how I did it.


Cream Dory
Lumpia wrapper
Siling haba (used for filling in the cream dory)
Salt/ seasonings


  1. I cooked first the cream dory on medium heated pan
  2. While waiting for it to cook, I prepare the siling haba, slicing it lengthwise; remove the seeds.
  3. As the cream dory is done, fill it inside the siling haba and add some seasoning, then wrap it in lumpia wrapper
  4. Cook it in deep fry oil on high heated pan.
And voila! thats it :)

Eat it while it's hot! Crunchyyyy :)

EASY! :)

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