
Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Just an update

I've updated my blog's color and background from clutter-y into orange-y peach color. Modified a bit simple to make it easier to read. (I'm probably getting old)

In addition to that, I have made my blog title from VICTUALS & VISTAS to So on and so forth blog.
That is because the term I used was a bit heavy to understand (What the hell was I'm thinking back then)

Also, it is basically a random blog consist of random ideas and random food with a dash of craziness.


Sunday, November 2, 2014

Gaze through the stars

 I was able to gaze through the stars again with my husband
A pleasant cold night made us relax.. It let us forget our stress and appreciate life more.
Wondering what lies beyond milky way..
Such vast universe where we humans cannot comprehend what lies beyond..Where there seems no limit
Full of questions.. Infinite curiosity..

Saturday, November 1, 2014

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